Nomis 4x4

The south of Israel, known as the NEGEV region, holds about 60% of Israel's territory, and only about 15% of the total population.
This area is a unique desert environment, rich with diverse zoological and botanical life, and home of some rare geological phenomena, such as the beautiful erosion craters, that can be found only in this part of the world.
The weather in this region is dry and cool most of the year - even in the summer time. Humidity is very low, as the terrain is between 600 to1000 meters above sea level.
This region is known for its unique biblical vast and beautiful landscapes, formed by tectonic plate shifting, as well as seasonal rain water flash-floods, carving the mountains and valleys for millions of years.
NOMIS4x4 invites you to explore the wonders of this "Crater land" - We are here for any help with logistical support for your independent hike, or planning and executing specialized Jeep Tours for any size of group.
Please contact us today for details.
We are happy to provide free consulting and information.